National Membership


As a member, you will join over 150,000 that NBNA represents and those who recognize the value of belonging to the only professional African American nursing association. Through our 79 chapters, we provide countless hours of community-based health care services and outreach to African American communities across our Nation.

The National Black Nurses Association provides leadership to advance nursing practice, improve health care for all Americans, particularly the unserved and the underserved and shape health policy for the access and delivery of health care services. We are actively engaged in the many issues currently challenging the profession of nursing. There is no better time than now that African American nurses need to work together in their professional association to not only survive, but to prosper in this time of change in the reform of our health care system.

There are many exceptional benefits of membership in NBNA.

  • Subscription to the NBNA News, the association’s quarterly newsletter
  • Subscription to the Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, a bi-annual published professional refereed journal
  • NBNA website:
  • Direct electronic mailing on nursing and health care issues
  • On-line Career Center
  • On-line Conference Registration
  • On-line Store – Coming Soon
  • Position papers on important issues impacting the health care of African American consumers
  • Association partnerships with federal and national organizations
  • Continuing education contact hours for licensure
  • A unified voice for the profession of nursing in Washington to address public policy issues
  • Networking with African American nurses from around the country, the Caribbean and West Africa
  • The NBNA Scholarship and Awards Program — NBNA offers scholarships to all levels of nursing students to continue and complete their nursing education
  • Leadership opportunities through committees and taskforces
  • Speaking engagements at national and local conferences, Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain Trust, National Medical Association Health Policy Colloquium, Association of Women’s Health Obstetrical and Neonatal Nurses, National Consumers League, The Chest Foundation and the American College of Chest Physicians.
  • A toll free telephone number to contact the National Office

SNBNA Chapter Membership

Membership is open to all RN’s, LPN’s, LVN’s, and student nurses, regardless of race, creed, color or national origin, age or sex.

$75 Annually
$50 Annually
$75 Annually
$35 Annually
By joining our volunteer list, you will have the opportunity to participate:
  • In various Community Healthcare Events
  • Senior Outreach Programs
  • Health Education Programs
  • Health Screening.
  • Volunteers in community events; Greeters, Host, Hospitality
  • Be Apart of the Welcoming Committee

To join, please contact us by email, call or send us a postcard.

The goal of the SNBNA is to practice our motto: “Black Nurses Nurturing the Community”. We have heightened awareness of modifiable risk factors for diseases that disproportionately affect the minority community through an increase effort to work collaboratively with other organizations and groups whose focus is on health care. We have been able to accomplish this task through numerous community presentations and participation on many committees and health fairs.


The provision for the enjoyment of optimal health is the birthright of every American. Major health interest groups and governmental agencies believe that and act upon it.

Yet, Black Americans, along with other minority groups in our society, are by design or neglect are excluded from the means to achieve access to health care services of mainstream America.

Therefore, we as Black Nurses have established a national organization to investigate, define and determine what the healthcare needs of Black Americans are, and implement changes that will make available to Black Americans and other minorities healthcare commensurate with that of the larger society.

Black nurses have the understanding, knowledge, interest, concern and experience to make a significant difference in the healthcare status of the Black community.

Q & A

How do I join?

There’s two ways to join:
1. Send inquiry to [email protected]
2. Send inquiry to

How much does it cost to join?

The cost of membership depends on your membership level.

RN: $75 Annually
LPN: $50 Annually
Retired: $75 Annually
Student: $35 Annually

How often are dues paid?

Annually by December 31.

How can dues be paid?

PayPal, Zelle, Credit Card, Check or Cash

How do you determine dues for student, 1st year grad and retired nurse status?

Nurse Student: a pre-licensed nursing student who is enrolled in nursing school.
1st year grad: a newly licensed nurse who is within one year of graduation
Retired Nurse: a retired nurse who is at least 65 years of age

How much are dues if join membership after annual date?

Based on when you apply, dues may be pro-rated.

How do I get the NBNA Newsletter or Journal?

The NBNA Newsletter is published four times a year. A one-year subscription is $25.00. The NBNA Journal is published twice a year. A one-year subscription is $35.00. Membership to a local chapter includes both or request subscription directly from the National Organization for the prices above.

Is the membership transferable?

Yes, as an active member that is in good standing financially with departing chapter; can transfer to local chapter if available in his/her new location.

Is there a lifetime membership?

Only with National at this time. The lifetime fee is $2000 for National (can be paid in 4 payments). Local chapter NO LONGER offer this level of membership.

How long does it take to receive membership information and ID card?

National will send out all the membership information including ID card. It may take up to 2 weeks once membership is paid to receive.

What if membership expire?

Contact the local chapter to discuss how to re-activate membership and to confirm status.

What does the membership include?

Local and National memberships
National Newsletters & Journals
National Scholarship program
CEU courses through accredited organizations and approved by Nevada State Board of Nursing
Local Grant/Scholarship programs
Community services Awards
Other Nursing organizations collaborations
National Conferences Opportunities
Access to National Website

Client Love

My reasons for joining a nursing organization especially the Southern Nevada Black Nurses Association (SNBNA) are multiple and was also initially based on need.  I needed a job.

This is my story in a nutshell.  Since I was new to this area, not knowing anyone, for me the idea for joining this organization was to tap into the resources and camaraderie with other local nursing professionals.

I was at an event and noticed a booth where the SNBNA was talking to people surrounding the booth.  I went over to listen.  I liked what I heard.  I spoke with one of the representatives and decided that this was the organization for me.  Since joining I am impressed where SNBNA is always working to stay ahead on current practices and continues to promote higher education throughout the organization.  SNBNA is often out in the community working to help educate and help those who do not have the resources to seek medical help.  SNBNA offers many guest appearances to nursing schools to encourage the up and coming nurses.  Community service is number one for me.

That’s why I joined the SNBNA.  That’s why I am still a member of the SNBNA. That is why I will remain a member of the SNBNA.”
Darlene R White Petaway BSBA RN iCNA